Wednesday, May 21, 2014

TPOL Prep Day 4

Note card check – 20 pts

Critique groups
Critique (use rubric) of Pres and Q/A
Practice with a friend

REFINE IT!! Is your conclusion rockin?

Take home your stuff!! Binders, project and materials, take the stuff out of your hanging folder.

Practice until you are blue in the face and have pretty much memorized it. And be on time for your TPOL. And...tell your parents about it if you have not yet done so.

TPOL Prep Day 3


1. One last example TPOL

2. Finish writing the draft of your TPOL and then time it to make sure it is long enough

3. Gather evidence for your presentation - create a list and show it to me

4. Work on the Q and A part of your TPOL

5. Practice the Q and A with a friend

6. Gather evidence for the Q and A

** Remember you MUST have a fully updated DP (we will be randomly checking)

You must walk into class tomorrow with:
1. Your note cards
2. All of your evidence, for the presentation and the Q and A

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

TPOL Prep Day 2

Model TPOL’s:  Hanna and Hunter

What to look for? How do they structure their presentations? ( Answer to the focus question, key points, evidence)

What are the key points you want to make in your presentation. Make sure they answer the focus question and explain how you have grown. (Connect them back to your metaphor)
What specific evidence can you use to support the claims of your brainstorm from yesterday?

Work Time:
Draft presentation

Evidence Gathering

NO Homework

Monday, May 19, 2014

TPOL Prep Day 1

TPOL Prep Lesson Day 1

TPOL Expectations (20 mins)
·         Read the expectations handout, the rubric, and the questions as a class – highlight as we go what you will need to remember
·         Write at least one question on the page
·         Q and A session with me about TPOL

Categories Brainstorm (10 mins)
·         Go over categories, give models of a few others  with the ‘as a’ as a generative prompt – as a brother, as a leader, as a maker, etc.
·         Students generate as many other categories as they can, write the best ones on the board
·         Students write their favorites on the assignment sheet to broaden the concepts they can work from

Content and Metaphor Hooks Brainstorm

·         Give students example of a content category:  as a project designer
o   Discuss ways that you could apply the focusing question to this category
·         Give a simile prompt to help them develop a hook – Creating original projects is like …
o   Having a baby
o   Painting on a canvas
o   Forging new paths in the jungle
·         Take them through an extended metaphor example…
My own:
®     Teaching freshmen this year has been like growing a garden
®     Water, nutrients, sunlight=my content and project ideas
®     Each planted seed becomes its own plant
®     A diverse garden is better than monoculture!!!
®     We are harvesting and soon will feast on the rewards of this fertile journey

Show model TPOL’s:  Robin and Hunter
1.  What is his or her hook/theme/metaphor?
2.  How did presenter address focusing question?
3.  What evidence did presenter use?

·         Students choose either content or hook/metaphor  or both to work on
·         Go over brainstorm possibilities – list, outline, web, talking (outside) etc.
·         Students choose their own format for brainstorming and spend time brainstorming their speech.

Write your hook today!


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Project Work Time May 12-16

You will have the majority of the week to complete the visual component of the Happiness Project. 

Use the rubric as your guide.

Schedule for the week:
Monday - 2 hours of work time
Tuesday - 2 hours of work time
Wednesday - 1 hour of work time/ 1 hour for critiques
Thursday - 1 hour of work time / 1 hour of senior TED talks
Friday - 1 hour of work time / 1 hour of senior TED talks

Visual component DUE by the end of class Friday

NO homework all week!!

Friday, May 2, 2014

May 2, 2014


Reflection (3: 5-7 sentence paragraphs)

1.       If you were going to advise someone on how to find happiness what would you tell them? (5-7 sentence answer)
2.       Generate a plan for your summer that incorporates your understanding of happiness and meaning. Outline the plan below. Connect what you plan to do with what you learned. Use the directions below as well. (5-7 sentences)
Go to this website and read the article. Based on what you read include this in your plan for the summer.
3.       Looking back over this project, how will what you learned in this project impact your life? (5-7 sentences)

DP Updating:

Projects Page:
1.       Describe the project in 5 sentences
2.       Your essay (copy and paste, no links)
3.       An image of your art piece, once you have it (So put the image icon there)
4.       Project Reflection
Seminar page:
1.       An image of the book cover
2.       Your BNW seminar pre-write

3.       Your BNW seminar reflection
   Your DP link must be emailed to me by the Monday after Osprey week, May 12th

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 1, 2014

Exhibition Day!

1. You will have one hour to finish your essay. By break you need to print it and turn it in with your two critiques from yesterday.

2. Visual component brainstorm
     Brainstorm: you will need to have a list of ideas, a list of supplies you will need, and a sketch of your main      idea.

Planner Time:
BE HERE at 4:45!!